To Artificial Intelligence and beyond

However with the constant advancements in technology and the pursuit of knowledge in the area or artificial intelligence and augmentation. Giants such as Google have paved the way for these advancements to become a reality and will continue to do so.

Also in no small way was this made possible by the realisation of “Moores Law” which you may have seen in our (previous post).

Following on from an interesting article in Wired around microchips in our brains we were reading here in our virtual office.

It reminded me of a conversation with a researcher I once had, who said “in 10 years we will start seeing augmented people”. That was 7 years ago and it really doesn’t feel too far off to me.

It got me thinking about the potential avenues this could effect within the working environment whether this would mean different augments for different job roles. Will it be dystopian or a utopian future?

  • Could this decrease the likeliness of injuries in some industries or dangerous manufacturing sectors?
  • Could the augments allow us to process digital information so quickly that it would be like having an onboard digital assistant? Will the assistants be part of us or have their own personalities?
  • Could augments enable people to visually replicate what they were feeling and share this with others in new art forms involving all our senses?
  • Would this all lead to a new form of discrimination?

These questions are just a handful of many that you may be asking yourself in the not to distant future!

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