E3 collaborates with Salary Finance on Mental Health Awareness training

Salary Finance pride themselves on making money management simple and improving financial situations with responsible financial products and educational resources. 

As well as mandatory compliance training, they were looking to offer their team extra support and guidance surrounding Mental Health Awareness, particularly in light of the last year and many of team working from home. 

We were pleased to be able to collaborate with them on our latest course ‘Mental Health Awareness’ training. 

Why is MHA training important?

Poor mental health is now the number one reason for staff absence.  Research studies provide strong evidence that companies with high levels of mental health awareness are more successful. According to research by University of Warwick, addressing wellbeing at work increases productivity by up to 12%

The training offers guidance for team members on speaking to their leadership team, identifying signs and ensuring that any support required is received whilst working.  This is particularly useful for those in leadership roles. 

The training also offers individuals ideas for daily wellbeing-management, and aims to remove the stigma surrounding mental health

Anisha Tank, Senior HR Manager at Salary Finance commented: “we wanted to establish MHA training for our employees as a way to encourage and provide a better understanding of mental health awareness with ways to support one another through such situations. Salary Finance have trained a few of our employees as Mental Health First Aiders but wanted to provide further training to all employees on the subject to promote a positive and healthy workplace.” 

The HR team at Salary Finance collaborated with our research and development team at E3 and we have succeeded in creating engaging training that will deliver fundamental training for our clients.  As always E3 training promises to deliver over 85-95% engagement rates without any need for manual follow up and we expect this course to follow in these footsteps.  

What next?

Please reach out if you think this is something that would benefit your team and we will set you up for a free trial. 

If you are affected by any of these issues these are some details of organisations that can offer support, click on the links to access their websites:

Mind: 0300 123 3393

Samaritans: 116 112

NHS: 111

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